Understand Your Customers and Your Business Better Every Hour.

Customer Segments

A Business Analytics Agent that effortlessly creates automated and custom-queried customer segments, enabling you to target & understand your customer base with precision, enhancing your sales strategies.

Actionable Insights

Your personal Agent that generates automated and on-demand actionable insights at regular intervals (hourly, daily, etc), empowering you to make data-driven decisions swiftly and efficiently for your brand.

Custom Reporting

You get an Agent that customizes reports for you in formats like video, PDF, or text, and delivers them through any channel such as WhatsApp, Email, or SMS, ensuring critical insights are accessible in the most convenient way.

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Business Analytics Agent

Hey Agent. I need new customer segments and insights hourly.

Understand your customers better than they understand themselves everyday.
Sample tasks you can ask your Agent to do:

  • Every Monday, provide a summary of weekend sales comparisons to the previous weekend.
  • Send me a monthly breakdown of new vs. returning customer sales.
  • Automate monthly calculations of customer lifetime value for repeat customers.
  • Every quarter, generate a report comparing this year’s performance to the same quarter last year.
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Ready to boost your sales?

Discover how our AI Agents can boost your sales today.